Here you’ll find links to sites that are important to us. Some are directly related to the Uniting Church in Australia, others are from the wider community and areas of interest
Uniting Church sites of interest:
- Uniting Church Tasmania
- Uniting Church Synod of Victoria Tasmania
- Uniting Church National Assembly
- Centre for Theology and Ministry (UCA Victoria and Tasmania)
- Crosslight Magazine (UCA Victoria & Tasmania) Printed VicTas Magazine – bi-monthly
- UnitingCare Tasmania
- UnitingWorld
- Uniting AgeWell – Victoria and Tasmania
Faith Resources
- Faith and Worship Daily Devotional – Prayers and Resources
- ABC Religion and Ethics
- Fresh Expressions: Fresh ways of shaping church in the 21st century
Worship Resource Sites:
- Bill Loader’s Lectionary Resources
- Textweek: A collection of lectionary based worship resources
- mustard seeds: A Lectionary based ideas resource for worship leaders.
- Rex Hunt’s worship resource page
- Lost Sheep: Wonderful illustrated children’s resource, featuring biblically based stories, available as books or downloadable story kits.
Hobart Community Sites
- City of Hobart
- Choir of High Hopes
- Do Something Near You